H index for tenure

Hirsch2 proposed h-index thresholds of 12 and 18 for advancement to associate professor and full professor in physics, respectively.2. h-Index values are not  1 Sep 2019 Expert William E. Schreiber, MD, defines the H-index and its significance William E. Schreiber, MD, is a professor of pathology and laboratory 

20 May 2014 Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure, Promotion, and Contract Renewal impact factor of 3-6 and an H-Index of 22 or above will be required  11 Oct 2011 Jacobs, Jerry A., "Journal Rankings in Sociology: Using the H Index with Google Scholar" (2011). individual citations at the tenure decision. The number is based on the papers a researcher publishes and the citations those papers get. Publishing a lot of highly cited articles will increase your h- index. 6 Apr 2012 not stopped the administration from using impact factors, h-indices etc. Additionally tenure decisions seem to be more and more conditioned 

Problem: H-factor doesn't measure historical research in the same way one would use it in assessing the competence of a history professor?

28 Nov 2014 Academic rank was characterized as Assistant Professor (including adjunct professors or lecturers), Associate Professor, or Full Professor (  Some of the concepts discussed in this section (like the h-index versus the Among our chosen professor the top-cited publications have from 40 to 250  Similarly, the slope of the H-index, m, from the absolute H-index noted here, which may or may not Non-tenure track with a focus on educational scholarship. 16 Oct 2019 h-Index: Used to gauge an author. A researcher has index h if h of his/her Np papers have at least h citations each, and the other (Np-h) papers  18 Sep 2017 For example, an h index above the 25%, 50%, and 75% quartiles could be benchmarks for promotion to associate professor, awarding tenure, 

19 Oct 2012 One of the ways in which I use the H-index is when making tenure recommendations. By placing the candidate within the context of the 

The number is based on the papers a researcher publishes and the citations those papers get. Publishing a lot of highly cited articles will increase your h- index. 6 Apr 2012 not stopped the administration from using impact factors, h-indices etc. Additionally tenure decisions seem to be more and more conditioned  To see which articles in a publication were cited the most and who cited them, click on its h-index number to view the articles as well as the citations underlying the  What Is a Good H-Index Required for an Academic Position? Metrics are important. Even scholars who may not entirely agree with the ways in which academic and scientific impact is currently measured and used cannot deny that metrics play a significant role in determining who receives research grants, employment offers and desirable promotions. The advantage of the h-index is that it combines productivity (i.e., number of papers produced) and impact (number of citations) in a single number. So, both productivity and impact are required for a high h index; neither a few highly cited papers or a long list of papers with only a handful of (or no!) citations will yield a high h index. The h-index is a way to look at an author's relative impact (versus a straight citation count). To find an h-index, put a list of publications in rank order from the one receiving the most citations to the one receiving the least. The h-index is the rank of the last paper that has at least as many citations as its rank. Only very tangentially. A high index would look nice but we'd immediately focus on the external letters, journal quality, teaching record, etc. likewise a low index looks bad but we'd immediately move on to considering the content of the actual pa

the h-index is an interesting measure, but it changes all the times. microsoft search does it; Google author search does it (see an example here); the freely 

To see which articles in a publication were cited the most and who cited them, click on its h-index number to view the articles as well as the citations underlying the 

might be a useful guideline for tenure decisions at major research A scientist has index h if h of his Np papers have at least h citations each, and the other (Np  

Impact of H-index also depends totally on the field. In some areas, assistant professors have 10-20K citations and you need 500 during PhD to have a shot at a decent postdoc much less any other job.

What Is a Good H-Index Required for an Academic Position? Metrics are important. Even scholars who may not entirely agree with the ways in which academic and scientific impact is currently measured and used cannot deny that metrics play a significant role in determining who receives research grants, employment offers and desirable promotions. The h-index is an author-level metric that attempts to measure both the productivity and citation impact of the publications of a scientist or scholar. The h-index correlates with obvious success indicators such as winning the Nobel Prize, being accepted for research fellowships and holding positions at top universities. # of cites and h-index more or less irrelevant for tenure (many pubs are too new to have been cited much). For promotion to full, # of cites and h-index is important (rightly or wrongly they are by this point seen as evidence of your impact on the field).